
Translating and interpreting experience

In the course of our more than twenty years of experience in translating and interpreting, we have gained plentiful experience, particularly in the following fields: legal, building industry, investment construction, architecture, project development, waste management, trade and commerce, finance, accounting, economics, banking, insurance, advertising, marketing, tourism industry, hotel industry, acoustics, automotive, occupational health and safety, publishing, printed matter distribution, electrical engineering, electronics, computer technologies, gaming industry, real estate, engineering, transportation and courier services, software, hardware, SAP, web pages, health services, public services, science and research, expert opinions.


Types of documents

We translate all types of documents. Listed below are the most often encountered types of documents:

- official documents: birth certificates, marriage certificates, school reports, degree certificates, tax returns, extracts from the commercial register, extracts from the penal register, various applications, confirmations, certificates, opinions, responses and decisions of authorities, etc.

- legal: legal correspondence, contracts, powers of attorney, legal opinions, acts, regulations, directives, decrees, judgments, declarations of legal action, notarial records, notary's statements, LOI, due diligence.

- commercial: contracts, accounting and marketing: business correspondence, materials for tenders, business offers, financial statements, balance sheets and other statements, brochures and pamphlets

- industry: technical manuals, documents and publications, instruction manuals, operating manuals, maintenance manuals, test reports and certificates, planning and building permit procedure documents, executive building documentation, product data sheets

- other: web presentations, software localization, newspaper articles and presentations, yearbooks

Quality assurance

Professional translations require a sophisticated quality assurance system. We successfully use the following principles:

1. Multiple level check principle: The first check is done by the translator who does the translation. The next check is carried out by another translator - "the four-eye principle". Depending on the nature of the work, a check by a native speaker, a language expert or an objective check by an expert (non-translator) in the specific field may also follow.

2. Mother tongue principle: Translation into the mother tongue is stylistically and content-wise better than translation into the working language.

3. Country of destination principle: A translator who experiences the target language culture on a daily basis achieves better results than a translator who only takes it up from the media.

4. Specialization principle: Factual knowledge of the subject matter submitted is essential for top quality translation results. Every job is translated by a translator who is very proficient in the given field, most often because they have graduated in it.

5. CAT: In our translation activities we use CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tools in order to ensure terminological consistency and increased efficiency.

6. Express translations: Upon request we are also able to deliver translations in very short times (small jobs within an hour, bigger jobs overnight and large jobs within a few days). This is the only time we charge a surcharge.