Why don't these pages include a pricelist?

Translation prices range from 100 to 1000 CZK per page depending on whether the job is a check of an easy text translation from Slovak to Czech, or whether the job concerns the translation of a Constitutional Court ruling into Chinese. We offer an immediate, free price calculation which we deliver mostly within a couple of minutes of your request.

What is the source language?

A translation takes place from the source langue to the target language. That is, if you have the birth certificate of a child born in Germany translated into Czech, the source language is German and the target language is Czech.

Is it advisable to supply other background materials apart from the text to be translated (reference materials)?

We welcome any other reference material which may explain the text being translated and help us understand the context.

What is a court appointed interpreter?

A court appointed interpreter is appointed by the Regional Court in the place of his or her residence. He or she is authorised to draw up legalized translations and carry out court interpretation.

What is a legalized translation?

A legalized translation (often called an official or certified translation) is drawn up by a court appointed interpreter. It is distinguished by the original being inseparably joined to the translation and the translation is fashioned with the court appointed interpreter's statement and official (round) seal. Such a translation serves for presentation before the courts, police, registry office and the like.

What is the difference between the legalization of a translation and legalization by a notary public?

The legalization of a translation is done by a court appointed interpreter. It verifies the concordance of both language versions. Notary legalization is done by a notary public, the municipal office or Czechpoint. It verifies the correspondence of a copy with the original or the authenticity of a signature.

What is an apostille?

An apostille is the highest degree of authentication which is necessary if you need to present an authenticated document in another state which is a party to the Haague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents of 5 October 1961. The simplification basically consists in the need for only one official act, i.e. fashioning the authenticated document with an authentication statement, the so-called apostille.

When is it necessary to fashion a translated document with an apolstille?

If the document has to be fashioned with an apostille, it must be done before submitting the document for translation because the apostille is also translated.

Who issues an apostille?

The apostille is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country in which the document was issued and legalized.

 What types of proofreading are there?

Proofreading of a submitted document is done by a native speaker, proofreading of technical texts by an expert in the given field, and preprint proofing in the case of bringing out documents by print.

What is the "four eyes principle"?

The four eyes principle means that every translation is checked by another translator. Everybody can make a mistake and in this way mistakes made by the first translator's oversight are removed.

Is it possible to split the translation amongst several translators to speed it up?

In principle yes but we greatly discourage from such practice. Even though the individual translators are very good, everyone has their own style and the result will show this.

What about the confidentiality of translated documents?

We regard all texts being translated as strictly confidential. There is no exception to this rule.

Do you do machine translations?

OH GOD FORBID, NO! We absolutely do not do machine (automatic) translations. However, when translating we do use CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tools which help us ensure translation consistency. Just to give you an idea, it is a program which monitors how we have translated something in the past, and when we translate it differently the next time, it notifies us of the fact. The translator then decides whether the other translation is correct in a different context or whether to unify the terminology.

What is a standard page?

A standard page is a standardised page of text with the length of 1800 characters (including spaces), which corresponds to 30 lines with 60 characters per line (including spaces). The standard page originated in the days of typewriters and in the Czech Republic is still being used to this day. Our foreign customers ask the price per line (Germany), which is understood to mean 55 characters, or price per word (other countries). 

 How do you price translations of texts where the number of characters cannot be determined (pdf format, handwritten text)?

In such a case the customer can choose whether they wish to be charged as per the extent of the resulting, actually written text, or whether they wish to arrange a price in advance.

What is the price for interpreting?

We will provide a quotation for your actual event. We will provide a separate price for interpreting and for any prospective expenses paid by us (transfer in own car, hotel, air tickets). We do not charge any transport costs for interpreting in Prague.

Is the text the same length in various languages?

No it isn't. Czech is a fairly compact language, English is approximately ten percent longer and German can be more than twenty percent longer. When invoicing, we always proceed from the resulting text.