
There's interpreting and then there's interpreting. If you don't have any experience with ordering interpreting services, you will find a short overview of the various types of interpreting action below.

Consecutive interpreting

Consecutive (or accompanying) interpreting is the most frequent. The speaker speaks in shorter intervals and during the pauses the interpreter transfers his or her speech into a foreign language. This type of interpreting is primarily used when interpreting into one language for a small group of participants, e.g. during business meetings, work meetings, or training of a few persons.

Simultaneous (booth) interpreting

The interpreter, sitting in a special booth, speaks simultaneously with the speaker and interprets his or her speech into a microphone. Participants in the event hear the interpreter in their headphones. This type of interpreting is used primarily when interpreting for larger groups of people. Often there is interpretation into several languages. Simultaneous interpreting is very demanding. There are always at least two interpreters per event who swap in ca 20 minute intervals. Examples where simultaneous interpreting is used are primarily conferences and symposia. A special type of simultaneous interpretation is the so-called whispering, where the interpreter whispers into the client's ear. It is used when interpreting for a small group of people.

Phone interpreting

In our hurried times when very often every minute means a lot of money, on top of classic interpreting we also provide the ever more popular interpreting by phone. It is used in cases where one of the partners or the interpreter is not present during the conversation.