About us


And welcome to KLASSE s.r.o.'s new internet pages.

Together with my colleague Dipl.-Ing. Ladislav Vacek, we have been offering you translating and interpreting services for more than 22 years. We are not a conventional translation agency. We specialise in translating to and from German and English. When translating other languages, we utilize the skills of carefully selected colleagues, mainly from the ranks of court appointed translators.

All translations coming from our office are checked according to the four-eye principle. On top of that, foreign language translations are checked by a native speaker.

You will find all important information on these internet pages. Any questions? We will promptly answer any queries you may have.

Come and experience our top quality serivces for yourselves.


Dipl.-Ing. Jaromír Rux
Certified Interpreter and Translator
Executive Director, KLASSE s.r.o.


P.S. In order to lighten matters up a bit, the section on the left offers some gems, various "mosts" and other curiosities from the life of an interpreter. Every time the page is accessed, the gems are mixed, several new gems appear and some disappear.